WeHappers' Manifesto
WeHappers' Manifesto
Sparkle Global Happiness through Tech initiatives

Have you ever pondered the person you could become or the life-changing actions you might take to paint the future in brighter shades?
Well, we went through the exercise ourselves.
In a world haunted by wealth inequalities and a relentless pursuit of personal happiness, we converged towards one goal, one motivation.
One goal
"Spark Global Happiness
through Tech initiatives"
One motivation
"Make it happen!
with the collaboration of
like-minded people."
"The Happers"
Happers embrace a vision that goes beyond traditional concepts of wealth and satisfaction. They envision a reality based on an equitable distribution of wealth and on leveraging technology as an accelerator of happiness.
Investing some of their time, brainpower and/or money on Δh * p > 0 initiatives is the natural way for them to put their expertises/ resources at the service of the common good.
Happers are happy to measure the return on investment by the positive impact of their contribution on the lives of others. This their main driving force.
We've identified six Happer Personas to fuel the wehappers program.
Can you be one of them?
"Combine the power of Wealth and Intelligence to generate individual and collective Happiness, using tech for the good of Communities."
Welcome to the WeHappers program.
WeHappers represents a sustainability program that uses technology and excess wealth to support norm-shattering initiatives, dedicated to a better distribution of wealth and happiness among individuals and communities.

The backbone of this operation is the financial investment from Happer Investors and the altruistic dedication of Happer Tech Stars, who invest their time and expertise at the service of the weHappers program.
These investments enable the growth of positive impact startups (Happer Startups) and empower the missions of Happer NPOs aligned with the UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The impact program initiatives have on targeted communities is measured by Happer Scientists through the Happiness Impact Test (HIT) and is expressed in the form of Happiness Impact Tokens (HITs).

HITs represent a numerical measure of the global happiness facilitated by the WeHappers program.
HITs are form of currency.
HITs are transferrable and exchangeable.
With this model contributing Happer personas are rewarded with HITs proportionally to their contribution to the different initiatives, in a decentralized way (HIT = Humans In Trust).
And the evolution continues. Happer personas can then exchange the HITs they have earned in return for exclusive experiences of enhanced happiness, paving the way for a modernized perception of success and gratitude.
In essence, the Happers and the WeHappers program are revolutionizing perceptions of wealth and success linking it to Happiness Experiences.
Curious about how you might embark on this journey
Allow us to guide you through the six active personas within the Happer's universe.
Please click on the different Happers' persona icons below:

The league of Happers